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Licensing Courses
We offer four distinct types of broker licensing courses designed to assist you in excelling as a professional in the field.

IL Broker License Course
As of March 1, 2020, 75 Hours (formerly 90 hours) of Pre-licensing education is required to sit for the state broker licensing exam and 45 hours of POST licensing education (not due until 4/30/2026) to keep the license, totaling 120 hours.
Managing Broker
A Managing Broker's license can give you the opportunity to:
Sponsor yourself and work independently
Sponsor others -open your own office
Become the "Designated Managing Broker" at your current office

Nationwide Real Estate Licensing
Net Real Estate School has partnered with
"The CE Shop" to offer online courses in all 50 States.
We’ll teach you anything and everything you need to know about real estate education where you live.
CE & Post Licensing
Will allow you to renew your license and be up to date with all the norms.

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