Illinois REEF Scholarship List
The Illinois REEF (Real Estate Education Foundation) provides opportunities for students to apply for grants ranging from $100 to $1,000. Net Real Estate School is not affiliated with REEF, however, we do encourage you to visit their site to see if you qualify for any educational grant assistants. Some of the grants are available to agents who want to further their education, while others are for people like you who may need assistance with funds for the 75 Hour Broker licensing course. Click here for more information: Scholarships - REEF - The Illinois Real Estate Educational Foundation (ilreef.org)
Maureen Petrizzo Real Estate Education Scholarship

In honor of the late Maureen Petrizzo’s dedication to the real estate industry and education, we are now awarding a quantity of three "75 Hour Course Combo" self-paced course packages per year ($379 Value). These will be awarded to candidates who wish to pursue a career in Real Estate and are facing a financial hardship.
How to Apply:
Email Tami Wiggins: NetReSchool@gmail.com to receive an application.
About Maureen (Wiggins) Petrizzo:
Realtor® from 1986-2016
Broker/Owner of a Brokerage Firm for 22 years
Co/Owner of Net Real Estate School 2004-2016
Co-Author/Editor of “15 Hour Interactive Principles Workbook”
Taught Salesperson, Broker, Management, Continuing Education courses and trained hundreds of Brokers
Recipient of many Sales and Customer Service Awards